
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Better Days

Music really speaks to me. It helps me focus on certain emotions I want to amplify. It helps me to relax, breathe. It helps me to laugh, to enjoy. Most of all it helps me to feel.

No song is ever too soft or too hard. It is never too loud or too quiet. It can never be too mean or too sad. No matter what that song will touch someone in someway. Someone will be able to channel feeling from that song.

They help you to remember, to laugh, to celebrate. They help you to have better days.

Monday, December 16, 2013


There are many different types of crying. Crying for joy. Crying in pain. Crying in sadness. Crying in laughter. Crying in hope. Crying with friends. Crying alone. Crying just to cry.

Crying helps to relieve the pain and to make yourself happy. It lets out your stress. It lets out your frustration. It amplifies your glee. It implies that there is hope.

Don't be ashamed to cry, because really you're just making your life better.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


High up above or down below? I chose above. I love riding in planes. The smooth soar. The clouds all around. The calmness you feel. It makes you feel away from the world, away from reality. It makes you feel like nothing can go wrong; you're in a place all your own.

You're a cloud, floating.

Sunday, December 1, 2013


When we don't want to do something we put it off. We put it off and put it off and put it off. We do everything possible in order to not have to do this thing that we don't want to do. It daunts on us all day and makes us feel so bad, but yet we still don't do it.

Have you ever thought that if you did what you didn't want to do first you'd be a much happier person? The nagging feeling inside of you would never be there to begin with.

Yet this never happens.