
Monday, October 20, 2014

Hello again!

Starting this blog was a way for me to write down how I'm feeling at different points in my life. When I get so busy though, I tend to forget to write. :( so.... HERE I AM!

My life has gotten so crazy, but sometimes when things are so crazy they tend to be EXTRA EXTRA fun. All the good stuff in my life really has gotten me to appreciate all that I have and cherish all the good memories I have been making this year. Now I just have to remember to write them all down!

Before I know it, I will be retired and have grandkids(or maybe just a lot of cats). So I will try my best for myself to write things down so I can remember all these good things in  my life at this point, Anywho, I just want to say hello again and how I'm not going anywhere...anymore. :D